Monday, October 5, 2015

Ingenuity Fest

       The Ingenuity Fest is a festival of art and technology. They are finding and celebrating people that like to explore an create. I don't know too much about this fest because i am just now finding out about it but what i can tell you is that the people going are going to need to sit, that's why we are making chairs out of pallets. I can find out more about this fest by looking up information on there website . The Ingenuity Fest helps our city because they create things for our city and it gives people things to do. We-Design Lab-fit into what the Ingenuity Fest is all about because we are just like the people of the city and we are interested in the things the Fest has to provide just like the rest of Cleveland. We also fit in with what the Fest is all about because we are making the chairs for the people to sit in at the fest. What the students need to know and understand about how to make a great design is that "teamwork makes the dream work", meaning that if people act childish and don't want to participate with one another, we won't get things done, however, if people work together and put all the pettiness behind them, we can get the job done. The most exciting thing about building a stage and chairs for the fest is that I get to see people's faces when they realize that they have a place to sit. It's also exciting to see my classmate's reactions to a job well done. I am not worried nor concerned about anything because I believe in my classmates and myself, and I feel that nothing can go wrong if we continue to work together and stay positive. An obstacle we were facing was that everyone clashed heads when we were trying to figure out an idea for how to set up the pallets. We overcame that obstacle however and instead of just taking one idea from a student, we put all of our ideas together and came up with something that was almost PERFECT to everyone's eyes. One thought that I have about the project is how does the Ingenuity Festival look because I won't get to go, and hopefully, someone will take pictures for me of everyone sitting on the pallets that we made (I won't be there not because I wasn't chosen, but because I have to go somewhere else).


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